A Project For Education 3040-34

A Project for Education 3040- 34

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thing # 21

Being an artsy person, I really loved this site.  It was very easy to navigate and I think that even elementary school children could use it.  Animoto produces professional looking videos with very little effort for the maker of the video. The major downside to using this is that, like most amazing things, it costs to do anything substantial.  Anything over 30 seconds you have to pay for.


  1. Ohhh Dale Chihuly has an instillation at the Children's Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana. Did you have to do a project/report/lesson plan on him? His instillation at Indy's Children's Museum is interactive! You can add and take away pieces. Pretty neat!

  2. Thanks! I've always loved Chihuly since I learned about him in middle school. I found one lesson plan that uses plastic cups and colored sharpies. You color the cup and then melt them to make something that looks similar to his pieces. I'll have to look up that instillation.
